They also write that once in Heaven, they will be serving alongside Jesus and that they are co-rulers.
Imagine it, you're not only born into this world without any choice in the matter but you're born into the JW religion or become one on you own. Eventually you get a "heavenly calling" and you're "anointed". Without any choice in the matter, you've got to spent all eternity co-ruling with Jesus as a sexless spirit creature. You've got a job for all eternity when everyone else gets to live in paradise like they're Adam and Eve. Why is this a good thing?
"Keep doing this in remembrance of me" means "show up and watch but don't partake of anything because the new covenant in my body and blood is not for you"???
The afternoon before the last memorial we ran into an uber JW relative (elder). He asked if we had our wine and bread ready for the zoom memorial, if not...he had some extra he could give us. He knew full well that we don't attend anymore but it was his way of letting us know how "spiritual" he is.
It was all I could do to keep from saying.. " The wine and bread are emblems...symbols. You aren't of the anointed so why can't you just view the wine and bread on zoom when the talk is given and leave it at that? Isn't remembering Jesus sacrifice the important thing? Weren't Jesus apostles the only ones at the actual observance ? Weren't the rank and file outside? What are you going to do with that wine and bread after the memorial, just throw it out or will you drink it or eat it ? If the bread and wine are actually significant or of great import, throwing it out would be disrespectful and drinking/ eating it would be wrong if you aren't of the anointed. would have been a waste of my breath. He's a nice guy but has really bad critical thinking skills as is evidenced by the personal blunders he's made in his own life in terms of finances and raising his kids. Can't imagine him dishing out advice or making life altering decisions regarding the fate or congregation members.